Syntax: aspects of a programming language which can be modeled by a context-free grammar.
Semantics: consists of the study of the relationships between symbols or signs such words, phrases, sentences, and discourses, and what these elements mean or stand in for.
Lexical scanning: break character stream into tokens. Lexical analyzers are usually automatically generated from patterns (regular expressions).
Parsing/Parser: impose structure on token stream, limited to syntactic structure (high level). Parsers are usually automatically generated from context-free grammars.
Prolog Example
brunch (baconbutter). Bacon & Butter is a brunch place.
pub (devere). De Vere is an Irish pub.
brunch (devere). De Vere is a brunch place.
davis (devere). De Vere is in Davis.
sacramento (baconbutter). Bacon & Butter is in Sacramento.
mimosa (X): - brunch (X). Every brunch place has mimosa on their menu.
irishcoffee (X): - davis (X). Every place in Davis has Irish coffee on their menu.
?- mimosa (X), davis (X). Which place has mimosa and is in Davis?
?- irishcoffee (X), sacramento (X). Which place has Irish coffee and is in Sacramento.
Enter string using the numbers 0 to 3, the symbols +, -, *, /, (,), and end with $.
Input String:
For Recursive Descent Parser, I use Javascript. I thought doing it in Javascript might be easier than PHP as I am familiar with Java. It takes a while to get familiar with Javascript actually. There are still differences between Java and Javascript. But for sure, having prior knowledge of Java helps with Javascript. I use w3schools to look up syntax for both Javascript and HTML for this website. After completing this assignment, I am still not sufficient with Javascript and HTML. Yet, in my opinion, Javascript and HTML both are well-known languages that are easy to learn and very useful to have on resume.